
le pain est l'aliment de base traditionnel de nombreuses cultures. il est fabriqué à partir des ingrédients qui sont la farine et l'eau. il contient généralement du sel. d'autres ingrédients s'ajoutent selon le type de pain et la manière dont il est préparé culturellement. lorsqu'on ajoute le levain ou la levure, la pâte du pain est 

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recette pain. comment choisir parmi des dizaines, des centaines de recettes ? nous avons fait un premier tri pour vous, en faisant ressortir la ou les quelques recette(s) classique(s) de pain , ainsi que les variantes les plus appréciées de tous. the official website of the swedish industrial metal band pain. featuring latest news, concert dates, discography, and much more.

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synonyms for pain at thesaurus with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. dictionary and word of the day. a : usually localized physical suffering associated with bodily disorder (such as a disease or an injury). the pain of a twisted ankle. ; also : a basic bodily sensation induced by a noxious stimulus, received by naked nerve endings, characterized by physical discomfort (such as pricking, throbbing, or aching), and typically 

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pain is the official journal of the international association for the study of pain and publishes original research on the nature, mechanisms and treatment of pain. the journal provides a forum for the dissemination of research in the basic and clinical sciences of multidisciplinary interest. topics include research on pain  pain is a signal in your nervous system that something may be wrong. it is an unpleasant feeling, such as a prick, tingle, sting, burn, or ache. pain may be sharp or dull. it may come and go, or it may be constant. you may feel pain in one area of your body, such as your back, abdomen, chest, pelvis, or you may feel pain all 

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acute pain can last a moment; rarely does it become chronic pain. chronic pain persists for long periods. it is resistant to most medical treatments and cause severe problems. chronic pain affects an estimated million american adults to some degree. here you'll find the latest pain

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read the latest articles of pain® at sciencedirect, elsevier's leading platform of peerreviewed scholarly literature.

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